Tuesday, February 28, 2006

...a toaster toasting?

A four slice toaster with three slices of bread. It was actually toasting while I did the scan. Unfortunately, the image didn't pick up the red heating elements as I had hoped. You can see a slight glow in the empty slot, however.

In case you're wondering...I only had three slices of bread left. Otherwise, I would have used four.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


The doors and hallways in my apartment building are being repainted. The painters had to remove the knockers from the doors of my apartment (I have two entrances). So a good chance for a scan and a cheap laugh all in one post. Both door knockers look the same so I only scanned one.

I did do a bit of editing to change the number. Paranoid...moi?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

...hot dogs?

Once in a while, the supermarket has a buy one get one free, on my favourite beef weiners.

Mmmm... tube steaks, just add ketchup and stadium mustard!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

...a Fender Stratocaster?

Well... not all once I can't!!
Guitars are very big at one end and mighty skinny at the other. Today, you get part of the big end. The Stratocaster is an icon in rock 'n roll and most people can picture it's design in their mind.

I bought this guitar ten years ago. Being a big fan of Eric Clapton should explain my choice of colour scheme. It's a genuine US made Strat. None of them cheap imported versions!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

...old lettuce?

It's amazing how quickly one can forget about the produce that is inhabiting the lower shelf of the refrigerator. This lettuce has seen better days... about 3 weeks ago.

My, what a lovely shade of brown

Thursday, February 16, 2006

...the toilet brush?

I like to keep my throne in pristine condition, but at an arm's length. I present the lowly toilet brush.

The unretouched scan

After a quick run through Paint Shop Pro

Note to self: Remember to clean scanner glass before any future food scans.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

...lunch? Mmm... beans.


I made myself lunch and was sitting down at my computer desk to eat. Well, with me sitting so close to the scanner and starting the new scanning category yesterday, it seemed like an obvious opportunity.

Here you have it...scanned baked beans on toast!

I tried to hold the scanner far enough away so the condensation from the hot beans wouldn't fog the glass. As a result it came out a bit dark, so I lightened up the picture a little. I still had some condensation, but it was my lunch and I prefer my baked beans above room temperature.


This is a repost from my "Running on Empty..." blog.

While making myself a bologna and cheese sandwich, I wondered how bologna would turn out after a ride on my hardly used scanner.

Hmm, not bad. Although I didn't notice them greyish bits until AFTER I ate the sandwich.

The winds of change

After several months of neglect, I have decided to delete all the previous entries and start anew.

I came up with this silly idea when I wondered how scanned bologna would look and posted the picture on my other blog. With limited web space for images on that site, this blog seemed to be the solution.

The blog now will follow my endeavours into scanning various different things and posting the results, using an HP 4070 scanner. Obviously, some items will be much too big to scan, so only pieces of these items will be posted.
Don't worry, no pictures of butt-cheeks or any other part of my central region will be scanned.

It really isn't about just scanning, it's the idea behind each item that is scanned. For example, the visual of me dragging a desktop computer with scanner around an apartment
trying to scan a chair leg, is just as important as the resulting image.